Jurnal Kesehatan Panrita Husada https://ojs.stikespanritahusada.ac.id/index.php/jkph <p>Jurnal Kesehatan Panrita Husada merupakan jurnal yang melahirkan informasi kesehatan yang mengandung nilai religi. Masalah kesehatan melahirkan tenaga yang professional unggul dan terampil di dunia kerja sehingga informasi tenaga kesehatan dapat diberdayakan. Religi merupakan nilai-nilai yang ditanamkan pada diri alumni agar dalam menjalankan tugasnya dapat memberikan keniscayaan pada diri pasien dan nilai pada masyarakat</p> Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (Stikes Panrita Husada Bulukumba) en-US Jurnal Kesehatan Panrita Husada 2502-745X PENATALAKSANAAN EDUKASI PERSONAL HYGIENE UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PENGETAHUAN IBU HAMIL https://ojs.stikespanritahusada.ac.id/index.php/jkph/article/view/1146 <p><em>Knowledgepersonal hygiene in pregnant women is very important because good knowledge can improve health in pregnant women themselves. <strong>Research purposes:</strong>. This study aims to identify the management of education aboutpersonal hygiene in pregnant women. <strong>Method: </strong>In this study the methods used were interviews and observation. <strong>Results:</strong>After conducting a case study between Mrs "N" and Mrs "M" there was no gap, this was because the two subjects had knowledge above 50%, which meant that the knowledge of the two case study subjects was good. <strong>Conclusion:</strong>Based on the basis of case theory and discussion, it can be concluded that Educational ManagementPersonal Hygiene To increase the knowledge of pregnant women, which is good with a value above 50%. <strong>Suggestion:</strong>It is recommended for writers to be a reference to gain knowledge and deepen and broaden insights in preparing scientific paper proposals.</em></p> Erna Kasim Ayu Nurkamiden Magdalena Limbong Ekayanti Ahmad Andi Tenriola Fitri Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kesehatan Panrita Husada 2024-03-28 2024-03-28 9 1 1 8 10.37362/jkph.v9i1.1146 IMPLEMENTASI PIJAT OKSITOSIN TERHADAP PENINGKATAN PRODUKSI ASI PADA IBU POST PARTUM https://ojs.stikespanritahusada.ac.id/index.php/jkph/article/view/1147 <p><em>Mother's Milk (ASI) is the most appropriate nutrition given to newborns until the age of 6 months because at that time the baby's intestines are not yet able to digest food other than breast milk. From a scientific point of view it can be proven that breast milk is the best and most ideal food for babies. For mothers who are breastfeeding babies, smooth milk is very important to meet the baby's needs. However, after going through the delivery process, most post partum mothers cannot produce breast milk because the milk does not come out.This study aims to identify the implementation of oxytocin massage to increase milk production in motherspost partum. In this study the methods used were interviews and observation.The results of this case study showed that before the oxytocin massage was carried out, the mother's milk production was carried outpost partum less increased and after oxytocin massage the production of breast milk in the motherpost partum increases, it can be obtained the result that there is a significant influence and increase in breast milk after oxytocin massage.it can be concluded that the application of the implementation of Oxytocin Massage has a significant effect on increasing the mother's milk productionPost Partum.can be a reference for writers in the future in facilitating the production of breast milk when they become mother</em></p> Magdalena Limbong Husniati A. Panua Erna Kasim Nurhayati Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kesehatan Panrita Husada 2024-03-28 2024-03-28 9 1 9 17 10.37362/jkph.v9i1.1147 IMPLEMENTASI PEMBERIAN ASI EKSLUSIF TERHADAP PENAMBAHAN BERAT BADAN BAYI https://ojs.stikespanritahusada.ac.id/index.php/jkph/article/view/1148 <p><em>Mother's milk (ASI) is a complex biological fluid that contains all the nutrients needed for the growth and development of the baby. Body weight is the result of an increase or decrease in all tissues in the body, including bone, muscle, fat, body fluids and others. Body weight is used as the best indicator to determine the state of nutrition and growth of the baby.This study aims to determine exclusive breastfeeding on infant weight gain.In this study the method used was interviews used to obtain information directly from respondents regarding matters relating to research and observation to collect case study data through secondary observations.Results:The results of this study indicate that there is weight gain before and after babies who are given exclusive breastfeeding.:can conclude</em> <em>that there is weight gain in Baby Ny. E before being given exclusive breastfeeding 2,640 g and after being given exclusive breastfeeding 2,830g while</em> <em>Baby Ny. A before being given exclusive breastfeeding it was 2,500 g and after being given exclusive breastfeeding it was 2,655 g so that it canbe concludedthat</em> <em>exclusive breastfeeding can increase the</em> <em>baby's weight significantly.Can add to</em> <em>the author's knowledge about the importance of exclusive breastfeeding and can be a reference for the future if you already have children.</em></p> Magdalena Limbong Cindiyawati K. Mohamad Erna Kasim Ekayanti Ahmad Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kesehatan Panrita Husada 2024-03-28 2024-03-28 9 1 18 26 10.37362/jkph.v9i1.1148 IMPLEMENTASI METODE KANGAROO MOTHER CARE UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PENGETAHUAN IBU POST PARTUM https://ojs.stikespanritahusada.ac.id/index.php/jkph/article/view/1150 <p><strong><em>Background :</em></strong><em>Kangaroo mother care method is direct contact with the mother which can increase the survival of the baby and get closer to the mother and baby by placing the baby on the mother's chest. <strong>Purpose</strong>: the author aims to determine the implementation of the kangaroo mother care method to increase the knowledge of post partum mothers. <strong>Method: </strong>This This study uses a descriptive case study method to describe research findings obtained systematically through studies. Conducted on 2 (two) postpartum mothers. <strong>Results:</strong> During the 3 days of meetings, the kangaroo mother care method was implemented to increase the knowledge of post partum mothers. After implementing it for three days, it can increase the knowledge of post partum mothers. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> Based on the results of the implementation of the kangaroo mother care method, it was found that the kangaroo mother care method can increase the knowledge of post partum mothers.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Magdalena Limbong Sela Djama Erna Kasim Nurhayati Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kesehatan Panrita Husada 2024-03-28 2024-03-28 9 1 27 37 10.37362/jkph.v9i1.1150 GAMBARAN DUKUNGAN KELUARGA DENGAN KEPATUHAN MINUM OBAT PASIEN HALUSINASI PENDENGARAN https://ojs.stikespanritahusada.ac.id/index.php/jkph/article/view/1149 <p><strong><em>Background :</em></strong><em> Auditory hallucinations are a mental disorder that is prone to recurrence. Patients with auditory hallucinations who are prone to recurrence are partly due to a lack of support from the family. Family support is to encourage patients to increase adherence to taking medication and control it at the appointed time. <strong>Purpose:</strong> to determine family support with patient medication adherence to auditory hallucinations. <strong>Case study method:</strong> The study design used in this research is a case study. The case study which is the subject of this research is used to explore the description of family support with the adherence of patients taking medication for hallucinations. <strong>Results:</strong> Table 4.3 shows that on the third day the patient was compliant in taking medication before and after receiving family support. While Table 4.3 shows that on the third day the patient was compliant in taking medication before and after receiving family support. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> Based on the results of a case study describing family support with adherence to taking medication in patients with auditory hallucinations in patients Mr. "M" and patients Mr. "B" who visited the psychiatric polyclinic at the Dadi Regional General Hospital, South Sulawesi, getting family support with medication adherence. And on the third day the patient was obedient in taking medication because family support was very maximal.</em></p> Ilyas Pobi Basmalah Harun Rusli Abdullah Yantimala Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kesehatan Panrita Husada 2024-03-28 2024-03-28 9 1 38 47 10.37362/jkph.v9i1.1149 EFEKTIFITAS CORE STABILITY TERHADAP FLEKSIBILITAS OTOT LUMBAL PADA KASUS LOW BACK PAIN DI KLINIK PUPUK KUJANG CIKAMPEK https://ojs.stikespanritahusada.ac.id/index.php/jkph/article/view/1206 <p><em>Low back pain</em> adalah rasa tidak nyaman di daerah sekitar punggung bawah dikarenakan kelemahan otot dan ketidak seimbangan otot-otot punggung. Penderita <em>low back pain</em> ditandai dengan adanya ketegangan otot, kelemahan abdominal dan multifidus serta penurunan fleksibilitas otot lumbal. Cara menyelesaikan problematika pada kondisi ini dapat menggunakan modalitas fisioterapi salah satunya adalah latihan <em>core stability</em>,&nbsp; Latihan <em>core stability</em> bertujuan untuk mengaktivasi otot <em>trunk</em> (<em>core</em>), diafragma dan dasar panggul untuk dapat menjaga kestabilan posisi dari tulang belakang, efek dari latihan ini untuk memperkuat aktivitas <em>dynamic muscular corset</em>, Koordinasi kontraksi otot memberikan stabilitas lumbal, serta akan menimbulkan peningkatan fleksibilitas, hal ini terjadi karena pada saat otot berkontraksi, maka terjadi penguluran (<em>stretch</em>) pada otot–otot antagonisnya atau otot berlawanan. Tujuan&nbsp; penelitian&nbsp; adalah&nbsp; untuk mengetahui apakah&nbsp; terdapat&nbsp; pengaruh&nbsp; pemberian&nbsp; Latihan <em>core stability</em> terhadap fleksibilitas otot lumbal&nbsp; pada&nbsp; kasus <em>low back pain</em>. Jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini sebanyak 20 orang. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan pre-eksperimental dengan desain <em>0ne-group pretest posttest design</em>, sampel dipilih dengan metode purposive sampling&nbsp; sesuai&nbsp; kriteria&nbsp; inklusi&nbsp; dan&nbsp; ekslusi.&nbsp; Intervensi&nbsp; yang&nbsp; diberikan adalah Latihan <em>core stability</em> sebanyak 12 kali pertemuan selama 4 minggu. Pengukuran fleksibilitas otot lumbal pada penderita <em>low back pain</em> menggunakan <em>Modified Sit and Reach</em>. Setelah dilakukan pengukuran dan intervensi, didapatkan nilai rata-rata fleksibilitas otot lumbal sebelum diberikan intervensi&nbsp; 15,25&nbsp; dan&nbsp; setelah diberikan intervensi&nbsp; 27,20.&nbsp; Setelah&nbsp; itu&nbsp; dilakukan&nbsp; uji&nbsp; hipotesa paired&nbsp; sample&nbsp; T&nbsp; test&nbsp; dan&nbsp; didapatkan&nbsp; hasil&nbsp; p-value&nbsp; sebesar&nbsp; 0,000&nbsp; yang&nbsp; berarti&nbsp; bahwa&nbsp; Ho ditolak&nbsp; dan&nbsp; Ha&nbsp; diterima. Latihan <em>Core stability</em> berpengaruh&nbsp; terhadap&nbsp; peningkatan fleksibilitas otot lumbal pada penderita kasus <em>low back pain</em>.</p> Redi Rahmadi Angria Pradita Agung Hadi Endaryanto Yohanes Deo Fau Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kesehatan Panrita Husada 2024-03-30 2024-03-30 9 1 48 63 10.37362/jkph.v9i1.1206 HUBUNGAN KUALITAS TIDUR DENGAN RISIKO KEJADIAN HIPERTENSI PADA SECURITY DI KAMPUS https://ojs.stikespanritahusada.ac.id/index.php/jkph/article/view/1302 <p>Security merupakan petugas keamanan yang menerapkan kerja shift dengan sistem penjadwalan pada periode tertentu. Salah satu risiko sistem kerja shift adalah berubahnya irama sirkadian pada pekerja. Perubahan sirkdian dapat menyebabkan gangguan tidur dan berpengaruh terhadap terjadinya hipertensi.</p> <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kualitas tidur dengan kejadian risiko hipertensi pada security di Kampus UIN Alauddin Makassar. Desain penelitian ini adalah penelitian Kuantitatif observasional analitik dengan pendekatan case control. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni 2022 pada security di Kampus UIN Alauddin Makassar. Analisa data menggunakan uji statistik Chi square. Pengumpulan sampel menggunakan metode Purposive Sampling. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuesioner Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) dan untuk mengukur tekanan darah menggunakan alat sphygmomanometer Aneroid dan Stetoskop.</p> <p>Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari 42 responden, terdapat kualitas tidur buruk pada security yang hipertensi sebanyak 28 responden (96,5%), dan kualitas tidur baik sebanyak 1 responden (3,4%).&nbsp; Untuk responden yang tidak hipertensi, didapatkan kualitas tidur buruk sebanyak 8 responden (61,5%) dan kualitas tidur baik 4 responden (38,5%). Dan dari hasil kualitas tidur dengan risiko kejadian hipertensi pada responden menggunakan SPSS dengan uji Chi square diperoleh p-value sebesar 0,007 dengan taraf signifikan &lt;0,05. Nilai p-value 0,007 lebih kecil dari 0,05 sehingga Ha diterima Ho ditolak, didapatkan kekuatan hubungan sebesar OR:7,000.</p> <p>Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yakni ada hubungan yang signifikan antara kualitas tidur dengan risiko kejadian hipertensi dengan kekuatan hubungan 7 kali berisiko terhadap kejadian hipertensi Pada security di kampus UIN Alauddin Makassar</p> Muh. Anwar Hafid Muhammad Richzan Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kesehatan Panrita Husada 2024-03-30 2024-03-30 9 1 64 77 10.37362/jkph.v9i1.1302 HUBUNGAN PENGETAHUAN DENGAN MOTIVASI DALAM MEMBERIKAN BANTUAN HIDUP DASAR KASUS HENTI JANTUNG DI KOMUNITAS BULUTANGKIS https://ojs.stikespanritahusada.ac.id/index.php/jkph/article/view/1065 <p><em>Cardiac arrest is a disease of the cardiovascular system and is the number one cause of death in the world and Indonesia. According to WHO data, people died in this case as much as 31 percent of the total deaths from all over the world. This happens in developing countries that have low to moderate income (Widiyono, 2021). This also occurs in the prevalence of events in Indonesia which shows around 37% and it is estimated that around 10 thousand citizens per year will experience this cardiac arrest condition (Riskesdas, 2018). Fast and appropriate management of cardiac arrest events is an indicator of the success of cardiac arrest treatment. Skills that are trained at the beginning of its occurrence both from the general public and health workers can be obtained through training for all levels of society. These trainings will increase knowledge and skills if you get a cardiac arrest. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between knowledge and motivation in providing basic life support in cases of cardiac arrest in the Makassar Badminton Community. This research was conducted using a quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional approach with the chi-square test relationship analysis. The research sample was 66 respondents. Based on the research results, there is a significant relationship between knowledge and motivation in the management of Basic Life Support in cases of cardiac arrest with a significance level of 0.01 (below 0.05). The conclusion obtained is that the higher a person's knowledge, the higher the motivation to provide assistance in handling Cardiac Arrest in the Badminton sports community and if lack of knowledge causes a person's lack of motivation in providing Cardiac Arrest treatment.</em></p> Ilhamsyah Muin Andi Widya Pratiwi Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kesehatan Panrita Husada 2024-03-30 2024-03-30 9 1 78 88 10.37362/jkph.v9i1.1065 THE CORRELATION BETWEEN AGE AND PARITY WITH WEIGHT GAIN DUE TO 3-MONTH INJECTABLE CONTRACEPTIVE USE AT BPM SITI AISAH CLINIC IN PENER VILLAGE, PANGKAH DISTRIC, TEGAL REGENCY https://ojs.stikespanritahusada.ac.id/index.php/jkph/article/view/1131 <p>ABSTRACT</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em>Background</em><em>: Women using DMPA contraception, or 3-month injectable contraceptive, on average experience a weight gain of 11 pounds or 5.5 kg and an increase in body fat of 3.4% over a period of 3 years of use. The results of the 2022 Riskesdas (Basic Health Research) show a prevalence of overweight and obesity in Jawa Tengah Province of 20%.</em></p> <p><em>Objective: To determine whether there is a relationship between age and parity with weight gain due to the use of 3-month injectable contraceptive at BPM Siti Aisah Clinic in Pener Village, Pangkah Subdistrict, Tegal Regency.</em></p> <p><em>Method: This study is an observational analytical research with a cross-sectional approach. The population of this study consists of all contraceptive users at the Independent Midwife Practice Siti Aisah, totaling 78 respondents. Data analysis was conducted using univariate and bivariate analyses.</em></p> <p><em>Research Findings: The statistical test results for the age and parity variables yielded a p-value of 0.000.</em></p> <p><em>Conclusion: In conclusion, there is a relationship between age and parity with the occurrence of weight gain due to 3-month injectable contraceptive use at BPM Siti Aisah Clinic in Pener Village, Pangkah Subdistrict, Tegal Regency.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Age, Parity, Weight Gain.</em></p> Diah Atmarina Yuliani Alfi Rizki Atun Alfi Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kesehatan Panrita Husada 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 9 1 89 102 10.37362/jkph.v9i1.1131 HUBUNGAN TINGKAT PENGETAHUAN TERHADAP PERILAKU VAKSINASI COVID-19 PADA LANSIA https://ojs.stikespanritahusada.ac.id/index.php/jkph/article/view/1061 <p>Lansia akan mengalami perubahan fisik dan perubahan psikologis akibat proses degeneratif sehingga menyebabkan penurunan fungsi tubuh sehingga upaya promotif dan preventif sangat penting dilakukan untuk mencegah penularan COVID-19. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan tingkat pengetahuan terhadap perilaku vaksinasi COVID-19 pada lansia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif, dengan pendekatan <em>Cross Sectional. </em>Sampel pada penelitian ini 135 orang dengan teknik <em>Consecutive Sampling. </em>Instrumen pada penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner tingkat pengetahuan dan perilaku terhadap vaksinasi COVID-19. Analisis yang digunakan berupa analisis univariat dan bivariat dengan menggunakan uji <em>Sommer’s </em>dan Gamma untuk melihat hubungan bermakna antara tingkat pengetahuan terhadap perilaku vaksinasi COVID-19 pada lansia. Hasil penelitian didapatkan rerata usia 66.47 tahun, mayoritas berjenis kelamin perempuan, tingkat pendidikan menengah (SMA), rerata pensiunan, riwayat penyakit hipertensi. Untuk tingkat pengetahuan tentang vaksinasi COVID-19 sebagian responden memiliki tingkat pengetahuan kurang 64 orang (47.4%), dan untuk perilaku terkait vaksinasi COVID-19 sebagian responden berperilaku baik 85 orang (63.0%). Hasil uji didapatkan P<em>value </em>= 0.059 (&lt; 0,05) artinya tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara tingkat pengetahuan terhadap perilaku vaksinasi COVID-19 pada lansia. Penelitian ini menyarankan agar sosialisasi terkait vaksinasi COVID-19 di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Rawat Jalan Sidomulyo Kota Pekanbaru harus terus digalakan dengan melibatkan kader serta tokoh masyarakat agar masyarakat memiliki pengetahuan yang baik dan demi terciptanya perilaku kesehatan terutama pada lansia.</p> Tri Zulfiandi Dewi Kurnia Putri Bayu Saputra Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kesehatan Panrita Husada 2024-04-02 2024-04-02 9 1 103 124 10.37362/jkph.v9i1.1061