The Effect of Warm Compress Hydrotherapy Technique Towards The Intensity of The First Active Stage In Labor Pain For Inpartu Mothers at Herlang Public Health Centre of Bulukumba Regency in 2023

  • Nurul Fitri Sugiarti Syam Universitas Megarezky
  • Marlina Azis Universitas Megarezky, Indonesia
Keywords: Warm Compress Hydrotherapy Technique, Labor Pain, Inpartu Mothers


Almost all inpartum mothers experience labor pain, but each mother has a different intensity. Psychology of mothers during childbirth and support from people around during the labor process can affect the intensity of labor pain. When labor pain can not be handled properly, it can make the mother stressed and can hinder the birth process itself.

This research aimed to know the effect of warm compress hydrotherapy technique towards the intensity of the first active stage in labor pain for inpartum mothers at Herlang Public Health Centre of Bulukumba Regency in 2023.

This research was a quasi-experimental, namely non-equivalent control group. The sample of this research was inpartu mothers using purposive sampling technique consisting of 30 respondents. Data were analyzed by using univariately in a frequency distribution and bivariate to test the relationship between variables by testing Wilcoxon in the pre - post group and the Mann-Whilney test in the control intervention group.

The results showed that in the control intervention group using the Mann-Whitney U test was obtained was (0.000 <0.05) and the pre post intervention control group using the Wilcoxon test was obtained value (0.000 0.05).

The conclusion in this research there is an effect effect of warm compress hydrotherapy technique Towards the intensity of the first active stage in labor pain for inpartum mothers. It is expected to health workers can apply warm compress hydrotherapy techniques to reduce the intensity of labor pain.


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How to Cite
Syam, N. F. S., & Marlina Azis. (2023). The Effect of Warm Compress Hydrotherapy Technique Towards The Intensity of The First Active Stage In Labor Pain For Inpartu Mothers at Herlang Public Health Centre of Bulukumba Regency in 2023. Jurnal Life Birth, 7(3), 192-201.