The Effect of Giving Ireng Sugar Cane Juice on Reducing Dysmenorrhea in D.III Midwifery Students at Megarezky University

  • Mirna Universitas Megarezky
  • Fadjriah Ohorella Universitas Megarezky, Indonesia
Keywords: Ireng Sugar Cane, Dysmenorrhea


Dysmenorrhea has an impact on the activities of teenagers themselves, one of the impacts is disrupting and also being able to reduce concentration due to the pain felt, therefore giving ireng sugar cane has been widely used for herbal or non-pharmacological treatment. Ireng sugar cane juice contains fatty acids which function, among other things, as an analgesic and anti inflammatory. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of giving ireng sugar cane juice on reducing dysmenorrhea in D.III Midwifery students at Megarezky University. The study employs a quantitative research approach with a Quasi-Experimental design, specifically adopting a one-group pretest and posttest design. The sampling technique uses proposive sampling. The respondents for this research were 30 people. Giving sugar cane ireng for two days. Before and after being given ireng sugar cane, pain reduction was monitored using the Wilcoxon test. The research results obtained before being given ireng sugar cane juice had an average value of 5,67 and there was a decrease in pain intensity with an average value of 2,50. The results of the pre-posttest statistical test analysis used the value r=0,000 <a (0,05) then H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. So it can be concluded that this research has an effect on giving ireng sugar cane on reducing dysmenorrhea in D.III Midwifery students at Megarezky University.



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How to Cite
Mirna, & Fadjriah Ohorella. (2023). The Effect of Giving Ireng Sugar Cane Juice on Reducing Dysmenorrhea in D.III Midwifery Students at Megarezky University. Jurnal Life Birth, 7(3), 257-265.